"Why Rust Isn't Killing C++" by Logan Thorneloe
(too old to reply)
Lynn McGuire
2024-05-03 21:25:43 UTC
"Why Rust Isn't Killing C++" by Logan Thorneloe

"I can’t see a post about Rust or C++ without comments about Rust
replacing C++. I’ve worked in Rust as a cybersecurity intern at
Microsoft and I really enjoyed it. I’ve also worked extensively in C++
in both research applications and currently in my role as a machine
learning engineer at Google. There is a ton of overlap in applications
between the two languages, but C++ isn’t going anywhere anytime soon."

"This is important to understand because the internet likes to
perpetuate the myth that C++ is a soon-to-be-dead language. I’ve seen
many people say not to learn C++ because Rust can do basically
everything C++ can do but is much easier to work with and almost
guaranteed to be memory safe. This narrative is especially harmful for
new developers who focus primarily on what languages they should gain
experience in. This causes them to write off C++ which I think is a huge
mistake because it’s actually one of the best languages for new
developers to learn."

"C++ is going to be around for a long time. Rust may overtake it in
popularity eventually, but it won’t be anytime soon. Most people say
this is because developers don’t want to/can’t take the time to learn a
new language (this is abhorrently untrue) or Rust isn’t as capable as
C++ (also untrue for the vast majority of applications). In reality,
there’s a simple reason Rust won’t overtake C++ anytime soon: the
developer talent pool."


Lynn McGuire
2024-05-05 19:16:21 UTC
Post by Lynn McGuire
"Why Rust Isn't Killing C++" by Logan Thorneloe
"I can’t see a post about Rust or C++ without comments about Rust
replacing C++. I’ve worked in Rust as a cybersecurity intern at
Microsoft and I really enjoyed it. I’ve also worked extensively in C++
in both research applications and currently in my role as a machine
learning engineer at Google. There is a ton of overlap in applications
between the two languages, but C++ isn’t going anywhere anytime soon."
"This is important to understand because the internet likes to
perpetuate the myth that C++ is a soon-to-be-dead language. I’ve seen
many people say not to learn C++ because Rust can do basically
everything C++ can do but is much easier to work with and almost
guaranteed to be memory safe. This narrative is especially harmful for
new developers who focus primarily on what languages they should gain
experience in. This causes them to write off C++ which I think is a huge
mistake because it’s actually one of the best languages for new
developers to learn."
"C++ is going to be around for a long time. Rust may overtake it in
popularity eventually, but it won’t be anytime soon. Most people say
this is because developers don’t want to/can’t take the time to learn a
new language (this is abhorrently untrue) or Rust isn’t as capable as
C++ (also untrue for the vast majority of applications). In reality,
there’s a simple reason Rust won’t overtake C++ anytime soon: the
developer talent pool."
There are quite a few comments at:


Ross Finlayson
2024-05-05 20:45:23 UTC
Post by Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuire
"Why Rust Isn't Killing C++" by Logan Thorneloe
"I can’t see a post about Rust or C++ without comments about Rust
replacing C++. I’ve worked in Rust as a cybersecurity intern at
Microsoft and I really enjoyed it. I’ve also worked extensively in C++
in both research applications and currently in my role as a machine
learning engineer at Google. There is a ton of overlap in applications
between the two languages, but C++ isn’t going anywhere anytime soon."
"This is important to understand because the internet likes to
perpetuate the myth that C++ is a soon-to-be-dead language. I’ve seen
many people say not to learn C++ because Rust can do basically
everything C++ can do but is much easier to work with and almost
guaranteed to be memory safe. This narrative is especially harmful for
new developers who focus primarily on what languages they should gain
experience in. This causes them to write off C++ which I think is a
huge mistake because it’s actually one of the best languages for new
developers to learn."
"C++ is going to be around for a long time. Rust may overtake it in
popularity eventually, but it won’t be anytime soon. Most people say
this is because developers don’t want to/can’t take the time to learn
a new language (this is abhorrently untrue) or Rust isn’t as capable
as C++ (also untrue for the vast majority of applications). In
the developer talent pool."

That "old." instead of "www." runs on old browsers
and not like sites like github etc that are too cool
to be backward-compatible.
