"Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube
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Lynn McGuire
2024-07-31 00:05:28 UTC
"Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube

I am not buying that C++ is slower than Rust.

The referenced paper is:

2024-07-31 12:13:11 UTC
Post by Lynn McGuire
"Python is 71x Slower, Uses 75x More Energy, Than C" - YouTube
I don't know for sure but I suspect part of it is Python using reference counting for it's memory managment. Maybe they should compare it to jython.
Post by Lynn McGuire
I am not buying that C++ is slower than Rust.
Rustaceans make a lot of unsupported claims. They also claim without any support that java is slower than rust. Apparently they are completely ignorant of the fact that java uses JIT compilation and can dynamically tune performance hot spots, and if they are using reference counting to manage memory it's going to perform very badly compared to Java GC.

Rust uses the llvm front end, so somebody would have to explain how a Rust program would be faster than a C++ program compiled with llvm.

Joe Seigh
